"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."
Matthew 28:19
BRCC strongly believes in spreading the gospel locally and overseas, including to unreached people groups.
The missions we participate with reflect this desire.
The missions we participate with reflect this desire.

Supported Missions Partners

Betel International - U.K.
Betel is a unique, worldwide ministry helping people break free from drug addiction. Likened to a spiritual greenhouse, lives are changed and hope is born in the close knit communities of faith that Betel creates. BRCC supports the Betel Center located in Birmingham, England by sending and supporting the Yoders, who are a key part of the administrative and ministry staff, as well as teams dedicated to serving and equipping these new believers as they rebuild their lives through a combination of meaningful relationships and work. New Betel Centers are started by regenerated men and women who are called to take the light of the Gospel into dark places.
Betel began in Spain in the inner city in 1985 when a small group of missionaries began to care for the needs of a few drug addicts and marginalized people. Today its program and communities can be found in over 70 urban areas in over 20 nations. While each Betel community has developed its own identity and personal approach in applying the Betel program to the needs of their people, Betel worldwide embraces the same principles and shares a common ethos.
For more information, visit https://betel.org
Betel began in Spain in the inner city in 1985 when a small group of missionaries began to care for the needs of a few drug addicts and marginalized people. Today its program and communities can be found in over 70 urban areas in over 20 nations. While each Betel community has developed its own identity and personal approach in applying the Betel program to the needs of their people, Betel worldwide embraces the same principles and shares a common ethos.
For more information, visit https://betel.org

Southeast Asia
There is a great need for the gospel to be shared in South East Asia, where less than 2% of these people have a relationship with God. The missionary we support is a part of a team in South East Asia residing in a city of about 10 million people. Their mission is to win the lost, disciple believers, and start churches. Often she can be found helping friends with English, studying Bible stories in a coffee shop, and answering questions they have about who Jesus is. She also walks alongside those who already believe and helps them gain confidence to share their faith with the people around them. Her team then works to help these new believers form house churches together, so they can worship freely.

BRCC and other E4 churches have been in a close relationship with a church community in Haiti for over 35 years. We support their efforts to evangelize their community by coming alongside them and helping with medical clinics, construction, leadership training, and financial assistance. This close relationship was especially vital after the 2010 earthquake, when they lost their pastor and many in their congregation. Many of the church members resettled in a remote mountainous area and planted new churches with whom we continue to partner.

International Students, Inc.
International Students, Inc. (ISI) is a Christian ministry focused on the international students, mostly from unreached people groups, who attend the University of Virginia. ISI’s vision is to make contact with many of the students, building relationships with them so that they will be able to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Through practical helps, dinners, trips, special events and matching with local church volunteers, students are encouraged to take part in the many Bible studies that are sponsored by ISI, many especially designed for seekers. ISI is always looking for people in the church who would be interested in getting involved with this world-impact ministry that takes place right here in our community.
For more information, visit www.isivirginia.com
For more information, visit www.isivirginia.com

LifeSpring Pregnancy Centers
LifeSpring is a life-affirming Christian ministry committed to:
Life assured for every baby.
Hope renewed for every family.
Lives transformed through Jesus Christ.
For more information, call 434-979-4516 or visit www.lifeva.orgHope renewed for every family.
Lives transformed through Jesus Christ.

Eastern Europe
The primary mission is to give the children of this area a better life. All activities ensure that all children living in areas contaminated with residual radiation from a Nuclear Plant accident are assisted in finding a quality of life and hope in the future. Families in Charlottesville partner with families living there to help the vulnerable children have radiation free summer experiences.
The ministry seeks to do so in the following ways:
Rest and sanctuary in radiation free environments.
Providing clean food.
Offering medical evaluation and treatment as needed.
Recognizing and nurturing the spirit of those it seeks to assist.
For more information, contact our area coordinator: Pam Laird at 434-825-5637
Greene Alliance of Church/Community Efforts (GRACE)
Greene Alliance of Church/Community Efforts, Inc. (GRACE) is an alliance of faith-based people doing needs-based ministry. The purpose of GRACE is to empower Greene County residents to move toward independence and a more self-reliant lifestyle by offering a hand-up, not just a hand-out. GRACE depends on a network of volunteers and donations from churches, civic groups, businesses and individuals to help meet these needs.
For more information, visit www.greenealliance.org
For more information, visit www.greenealliance.org