Mission and Vision

"Go therefore and make disciples..."

- Matthew 28:19

The Mission

To Bring People to Jesus, Follow Him Together, Equip Disciples, and Send them into the Harvest

  1. Bring People to Jesus: Disciples are fishers of men and Jesus is the only name given for people to be saved. He is also our Master and Lord to whom we bring all our requests. Therefore, as a church we aim to bring people to Jesus for salvation, Discipleship, and transformation. (Mark 1:16-20) (Acts 4:8-12) (Matthew 28:18-20)
  2. Follow Him Together: We are invited, before all else, to follow Christ. To live a new life, purchased with His blood, being transformed continuously into a more intimate relationship with Him through prayer, worship, spiritual gifts, and a growing knowledge of the Word. (John 14:6) (1 Peter 2) (John 10:14-18)
  3. Equip Disciples: The function of the church is to help disciples learn to follow Jesus in every area of life. As such we help guide people to surrender to the Holy Spirit the ultimate equiper and to guide each member in discipleship to equip them to live their entire lives for Jesus and serve Him in the ministry of their lives as God's new covenant priests. (Acts 1:8) (Ephesians 4:11-13) (1 Peter 2)
  4. Send them into the Harvest: The Church is on a mission to bring the Gospel to all mankind. As such we live as missionaries at home, at work, and abroad. Whenever we leave our gatherings we enter the harvest field where God has called us as His workers in service, evangelism and discipleship. (Matt. 9:35-38) (Matt. 28:18-20) (2 Cor. 5:16-21).

Core Values

We Value a Trinitarian Balance
We desire to demonstrate the whole Godhead within our church. We aim to live, speak, and serve with integrity to demonstrate God’s holiness and glorify the Father. We seek to center our preaching and communities on Jesus and His Gospel and to make Him known as followers of Him. We strive to experience the Holy Spirit in our lives and worship via His gifts and power, participating in His sanctifying work and heeding His wisdom for living as individuals, families, and a church community.

We value God’s Word
We believe the Bible is God’s perfect, special revelation to man and is central to everything we do. We seek to anchor all our practices and beliefs in Scripture by preaching exegetically and teaching each disciple to study and apply Scripture in every area of life.

We value Prayer
We aim to saturate everything we do in prayer. We believe prayer is the breath of the church and strive to be a community that consistently and powerfully prays together to commune with the Lord, hear His voice, and see Him move.

We value Healthy Multiplication
We believe God’s design is for healthy things to grow and produce fruit that multiplies. We seek healthy multiplication from the individual to the home group to the planting of churches. Our heart is to multiply healthy disciple-making communities in neighborhoods across central Virginia, the East Coast, and the world. This also means we lead through teams, not individuals, so every leader raises others who can multiply the ministry healthily.

We Value Genuine Community
We grow in genuine community through home groups, where we seek to follow Jesus together. We believe meeting in each other's homes is the best way to demonstrate Christian fellowship which is the sharing of life together. We seek unity in diversity by loving and serving each other regardless of our differences.

We value Gospel Invitation.
We aim to create an inviting culture where people from all walks of life are invited to meet Jesus and hear the Gospel. We seek to be a community that cares for and welcomes every person who comes in regardless of their challenges, to love them with the love of Christ, and to bring them to Jesus.

We value Kingdom Impact.
We aim to invest our time, resources, and energy in sharing the Gospel and impacting our community for God’s Kingdom. We also seek out and invest in missionaries and mission agencies locally, regionally, and globally that impact the world for God’s Kingdom.

We value Relational Discipleship.
We believe that discipleship occurs in relationships. Scripture demonstrates a consistent investment from one disciple to another. Therefore, discipleship is not a program but a life lived together where disciples can invest in others through relationships.

We value Servanthood
We seek to live lives of servanthood as the Holy Spirit transforms us to become more like Christ who came not to be served but to serve. In all of our relationships, we aim to serve one another in love and to meet the needs of the community around us as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Vision Statements

We dream of an inviting & loving church.
We dream of a church where people regularly invite and bring people to Jesus and in which those people are valued, loved, and welcomed no matter their challenges.

We dream of a multiplying church.
We dream of a church where leaders are always investing in new leaders around them by leading through teams and sharing responsibility.  We dream of a church that multiplies discipleship communities intentionally and organically as individuals, home groups, and by planting churches.

We dream of an invested & impactful church.
We dream of a church where people are generous with their time and resources. We dream of a church that makes a lasting impact on their communities, serving their neighbors, and boldly praying for them to be transformed by Jesus.

We dream of a united & missional church.
We dream of a church that comes together in their diversity, around the mission of Jesus. We dream of a church that is eager to glorify the Lord, love Him and each other, and walk together joyfully in discipleship.

We dream of a Spirit-led church.
We dream of a church that witnesses the Holy Spirit’s power and freedom in worship and is devoted to seeking God in prayer and hearing His voice. We dream of a church where each disciple uses their unique spiritual gifts to minister as the body of Christ.

We dream of a generational church.
We dream of a church where all generations connect in discipleship naturally and deeply; intentionally equipping and raising up the next generation to lead the church. We dream of a church where the generations celebrate and appreciate each other's experiences and perspectives as fellow disciples of Jesus.