Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our children’s ministry at Blue Ridge Community Church is all about “planting seeds, growing faith”. Whether planning activities or choosing curriculum, we always strive to make sure that we are promoting a program that encourages our children in their walk with Jesus. In addition, we want our children to know that they are a part of this church family and have much to offer. We encourage children to join in musical worship and offer an alternative teaching time for the younger children during the sermon so that parents can focus their own attention. Sermon time worksheets to engage older children can be found at the welcome table near the front door.

Sunday Mornings
Available for all services
Newborn up to age 3
Sunday School
9:30 am - 10:15am
During the school calendar year we offer Sunday School for children of all ages.
Sermon Time
11:00am - 12:00pm
An alternative and age-appropriate teaching time during the sermon so that parents can focus their own attention (ages 3 - 2nd grade).

Kid's Korner
Hold the bowl up so the kids can't see the color they pick
If the kids pick:
Red= tell us your favorite activity to do
Orange= tell us your favorite thing at school
Yellow= tell us the chore you hate to do
Blue= tell us something you want to learn how to do
Green= tell us your favorite treat
Brown= tell us your favorite movie or tv show
Don't forget to do it yourself so the kids can get to know you too!
If the kids pick:
Red= tell us your favorite activity to do
Orange= tell us your favorite thing at school
Yellow= tell us the chore you hate to do
Blue= tell us something you want to learn how to do
Green= tell us your favorite treat
Brown= tell us your favorite movie or tv show
Don't forget to do it yourself so the kids can get to know you too!
- Chose an activity to do from the Home Connect section of your child's take home Bible Fun Page
Children's Ministry Blog
Monkey See, Monkey Do
March 20th, 2023
As I stood in worship during church last Sunday, I heard the words to one of the songs being sung loud and beautifully I might add, by little Judah behind me. Although, I know he is a smart little boy, I know there is no way at his young age he could read all the words to the song. It filled my heart with immense joy to think that this little boy had heard this worship song so often in ...
Everything is Fine
February 28th, 2023
Is it just me or is that the universal answer to most every question you ask your children. How was school today? Fine. How was your spelling test? Fine. How did your cub scout meeting go? Fine. According to my kids, their life was perfect, no problems, no issues, no struggles because everything was fine! We all know the answer to everything is not fine, but how do we get our children...
Everybody Wins a Trophy
January 30th, 2023
Anyone who has been around me for more than a minute knows this is my mantra as to why the world has so many problems. It all started when we began to reward kids for merely participating in things. And while I don't seriously think this is the sole reason our culture is in so much trouble, I do think we do our children a disservice when we reward them for merely being a part of things. And I don’...
What's the Point?
January 17th, 2023
I don’t know about most people, but when my kids were younger, every Sunday morning was like a bad episode of “Supernanny”. Kid wrangling became my sole morning activity. Fighting the teenager who didn’t want to get out of bed, the preteen who needed to find just the right outfit and the youngest two fighting over who got to take the last bag of goldfish for a church snack. I often found myself ha...