We're so glad you're here! We look forward to getting to know you, but you probably want to know a little about us first. Blue Ridge Community Church is a place where people can meet Jesus and engage in life-giving community, a place where everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, learn from the Bible, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us on Sunday!

When We Meet
Sunday Mornings
Available for all services
Available for all services
Sunday School
9:30 am - 10:15am
During the school calendar year we offer Sunday School for adults and children of all ages.
9:30 am - 10:15am
During the school calendar year we offer Sunday School for adults and children of all ages.
10:30am - 12:00pm
An optional age-appropriate teaching time is offered during the sermon for ages 3 - 2nd grade).
10:30am - 12:00pm
An optional age-appropriate teaching time is offered during the sermon for ages 3 - 2nd grade).
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 90 minutes. It begins with singing a mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team and includes a meditative period where the congregation may share a scripture or word as the Holy Spirit leads them. Worship through music is followed by worship through the sharing of God's Word and a sermon.
Most folks come casually dressed, but if you like to dress up, that's fine, too! There is childcare available and sermon time activities for age 3 through 3rd grade. During the school calendar year, we offer Sunday School for all age groups after worship. Plan to hang around after the service for coffee and fellowship.
Most folks come casually dressed, but if you like to dress up, that's fine, too! There is childcare available and sermon time activities for age 3 through 3rd grade. During the school calendar year, we offer Sunday School for all age groups after worship. Plan to hang around after the service for coffee and fellowship.